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| Meet the Ambassadors 2024

Vincent Coryn

Office location: Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Program: marathon

"Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible, nothing unattainable."


| Training updates

Follow Vincent's journey

January 26, 2024

Countdown to Marathon Day: Embracing excitement and progress

Can you believe it? In just a quick two months, I'm diving headfirst into the wild world of marathons! The excitement's real, and I'm stoked to bring you along for the ride as I gear up for the big day.

Progress Check-In

These past weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind with those longer running sessions. The excitement is building up, and I'm feeling the progress in my legs. From those early shorter runs to tackling longer distances, it's been a bit of a challenge, but damn, it feels good.

Great Expectations

I can't help but feel some big expectations building up for marathon day. Just thinking about crossing that finish line, hearing cheers, and the satisfaction. The initial nerves are turning into excitement. This marathon isn't just a run; it's me figuring out what I'm made of.

Longer Runs, Unyielding Spirit

These longer runs aren't just making my legs stronger, they also help me in pushing past mental blocks and realizing I can do more than I thought. It’s challenging me from the beginning until the end.


Pre-Marathon Buzz

As marathon day gets closer, the excitement is hitting. I'm getting into the daily planning – thinking about my playlist, figuring out what to eat, ... It's not just about the race; it's about the whole experience.

Community Cheers

Shoutout to the running crew – the support's been next level. Tips, cheers, celebrating the wins – it's not just me against the road; it's a whole squad cheering each other on. That's what makes this marathon thing special.

Conclusion - Two Months and Counting

So, here's to the next two months of grinding, feeling the excitement, and getting ready for my first marathon. I think I’m ready and I can't wait to lace up my sneakers on race day. The road ahead might have its ups and downs, but I'm embracing every down-to-earth step of this marathon adventure.

Stay tuned for more updates, and here's to the countdown! 🏃‍♂️✨

January 5, 2024

How to train for a marathon with a toddler and a baby?

Realistically, a training plan does not make sense. Life is so unpredictable with kids. They have tantrums, get sick all the time, and want you for everything, from tying shoelaces to having to sooth them to sleep.

How is it possible to do intervals every Thursday, a long run every Sunday and tempos every Tuesday with an easy run in between?

Luckily my girlfriend helps me a lot. She takes care of the children when I’m going out for a running session. It’s all about organizing yourself and that’s not my greatest skill. But you simply must plan in the running sessions. 


Plan a running session during working days.

You have several options.

Option 1: Go for a run while everyone is still sleeping. I think I’ll skip this one, you don’t want to come near me when I just woke up.

Option 2: Run during lunch breaks. I liked this one the first couple months of training when the running sessions were under 45 minutes. Currently I’m in my 4th month of training and the duration increased to over 1 hour. It makes it more difficult to plan this in as you might have an important meeting which can’t be rescheduled.

Option 3: Running late night. My favorite option. I like to run when it’s dark and quiet outside. There is a canal not far from where I live. I love to run along this canal, you can empty your head after a stressful day at work. When there are no streetlights, I take my PETZL to brighten the streets.

LSD in weekend

In the weekend there is always an LSD (Long Slow Distance) scheduled. It’s an LSD, so that means it’s the longest run you need to make weekly. Currently my longest one was 1h50’ on New Year’s Eve and this will increase until a few weeks before the marathon.
If the kids refuse to sleep, I take them with me during my run. When Cleo was less than 2.5 years old, she always needed a nap after lunch. Unfortunately, she doesn’t want this anymore what makes it difficult to run after lunch on a Saturday or Sunday if they’re both awake. Sometimes I bring Cleo to my mother. On other days I use our stroller and take them with me on a run. It’s quite hard when they’re both sitting front row because your heart rate goes up quickly. But they’re enjoying it while I’m practicing.


Okay, so we have a plan, but what if you don’t feel in a running mood?


There are other things besides running. I like to play tennis / padel or to just have a beer with friends during the weekend. I still can do most of these things. But with 4 running sessions and 2 kids it’s not always easy to find time. During the weekend I always spend time with my family and during the week I try to do an activity besides running. But some things are out of your own hands. During the Christmas holiday I’ve became sick, and some weeks before my oldest daughter Cleo (almost 3 years old) was having an ear infection and Clara (7 months old) was having the chickenpox. This spoilt my plans and I’ve needed to skip some training sessions. It doesn’t go according to plan always.


Conclusion: Training for a marathon while having young kids isn’t always easy. A good planning is essential and family where you can rely on is important.


October 27, 2023

Let's go