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| Meet the Ambassadors 2024

Richard Fogden

Office location: Malvern, UK
Program: half marathon

"I have never really been a fan of running but when the opportunity arose to represent Sofico at the Gent Marathon I couldn't resist the challenge.
I have always wanted to test myself from a fitness perspective and feel this is the ideal opportunity to do so, and at the same time collaborate with my fellow ambassadors on the long road ahead.
I currently have a mix of emotions ranging from dread to pure excitement and look forward to the kick off day in mid-October to meet the group and training experts."


| Training Updates

Follow Richard's journey

March 6, 2024

Final update

Dear Soficans,

What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been!

As I sit down to write this final blog update before the half marathon, I'm filled with a mix of excitement, nerves, and gratitude. The journey to this starting line has been filled with countless hours of training, early mornings, sore muscles, the odd injury and moments of doubt. But through it all, I've found strength, determination, and an unwavering belief in myself – I even enjoy running now!!

More talk about Injuries!

Around a month ago I was having real trouble with my knee and was unable to train for over 3 weeks. This really affected my mood and I was unsure I would be able to run at all.

After some discussions with sister, who herself is a very experienced runner, she was certain my injury was down to lack of a thorough warm up and warm down. I had been doing this previously but not to the level she thought was required.

I started to incorporate this into my training and even invested in a foam roller which is now my new best friend.

All eyes to March 24th

A couple of days ago I completed my longest run to date – 19km which took around 1hr 55mins. I was really happy to run for this long and found the following additions really helped along the way:

  • 30 mins warm up (stretching and foam roller)
  • Consuming energy gel after 1 hour
  • Small bag of Haribo sweets for the latter stages

I always like to listen to some house/dance music whilst I run and I now need to think carefully about what my soundtrack will be on race day….

Wish me luck


January 15, 2024

Following the training program

Throughout December I’ve consistently followed the training schedule provided by Laura, my personal coach from the Energy Lab in Ghent. I have focused on a balanced mix of long runs, interval work and cross-training. The distances I have been running have gradually increased and I’m pleased to report I have broken the 1 hour mark – with my longest run to date being 13.29kms!

My confidence in running longer distances is improving and I am now finding my rhythm both in my heart rate and mindset when executing. Personally I find listening to a mix of house music and interesting podcasts really work and they help me especially when tackling anything over 45 minutes duration.

Whilst facing the typical challenges associated with longer and more intense training, such as muscle soreness and fatigue, I’ve tried to be mindful about incorporating rest days and recovery practices in my routine. Earlier on in my training I occasionally veered away from the schedule, training too often or running too quickly and this resulted in injury. So following the training plan and keeping up a regular dialogue with my personal coach has been essential in maintaining overall well-being and preventing injuries.

Looking ahead, the upcoming month will involve a gradual escalation in intensity, with a focus on distance and endurance. I am optimistic about the progress I have made so far and feel really committed to putting in the necessary effort to achieve my half-marathon goal.


November 13, 2023

Meet my motivation

Embarking on the path to conquer my challenge of running a half marathon in Ghent next March is not merely a physical feat; it’s a journey of perseverance, discipline and self-discovery.

I have been training for a month now and so far have run a total of 48.75 km with a total running time of 10h5m. Laura my personal trainer from the Energy Lab (Ghent) provides my training plan and keeps in close contact to track progress and see how I’m getting on. I really value her support and encouragement and can feel my confidence building with each session.

Although training has gone well I have faced a small injury lately and this has reminded me about the importance of warm up exercises and stretching both pre and post training run. When all of the ambassadors attended the kick-off induction day last month we had some really useful sessions covering core stability exercises and other techniques to boost performance and avoid injuries. I’m pleased to confirm I am now back to full fitness and have updated my routine accordingly.

Everyone has different motivations to take on the challenge of running in the Ghent Marathon and like most ambassadors one of mine is to increase my overall level of fitness.
One of my other main motivations is my 9 year old daughter Heidi, who is my number one supporter. Together we filmed a short interview where she asks me how I am getting on so if you want to check it out, watch the video below: