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| Meet the Ambassadors 2024

Harish Kumar

Office location: Stuttgart, Germany
Program: marathon

"After running a couple of half marathons in 2018 and 19, I had been struggling to get back to running. Of course tasting the bliss of crossing the finish line a couple of times, completing a marathon is a dream I am chasing since 2019 - unsuccessfully due to personal commitments and injuries. Here I am committing to that dream, to not give any excuses and determined to complete this dream."


| Training updates

Follow Harish' journey

March 4, 2024

Final update

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face (Mike Tyson)

To be honest, I expected to be in a lot better shape and prepared than I currently am. But plans are plans and there is reality. After missing quite some action on the first 2 weeks of this year due to health issues, I slowly bounced back to my training schedule until Feb 3rd week, where again I faced a setback due to another bout of fever. But though this time around, it was not as rough as the last time. This meant I sat out only a few training sessions, but my performance took a beating. I am doing my long runs at a much slower pace at 8 mins 41 sec per km compared to 7 mins per km in mid-February and 6 mins 23 secs in December. 

My longest run last Sunday was 21.32 Km in 02:55.09, I have to scale it up to 42.2 Kms in less than 5 hours' time (Official Time limit for Ghent Marathon) in 3 more weeks on March 24. A big ask indeed but let us see how that pans out. 

Reminder to self: "you are not a professional marathon runner"

The foremost thing I must remind myself is to not get too carried away in the race atmosphere and push myself too much than needed. Yes, you heard me right, I do not want to get too focused on the numbers and set myself a time limit to finish. I did not sign up to win the Ghent or qualify myself for a particular race. I want to push my physical and mental limits and, in the process, also have fun to the extent possible. To that cause, the training process was a great experience; I hope to continue training even after the race. Well, I have learnt quite a lot about myself and life in general through my training runs, that in itself is a big win for me. 

So Harish, don’t be too serious on yourself, remember to soak in the race atmosphere, enjoy Ghent’s beauty and have fun.  

Special note of thanks to my dear wife and daughters 

With the intensity and the time, I spent on marathon training building up in the last few months. Most of my family’s schedule had to be planned based on my training sessions and a lot of household chores had to be picked up by my wife. She did that without me asking, even when I feel low and lacking motivation to go for a run, she would push me. My elder one would give a gentle massage after my run if I asked her nicely. My girls will be there on the race day in Ghent, so that will be a great moral support. 

As the race day gets near, I am pulled between nervous energy of how I am going to finish the race and equally excited about the joy of experiencing the race atmosphere and the mental image of me crossing the 42,2 km finish line with a huge grin on my face and celebrating with my girls. So, 24-March-2024, looking forward to experiencing you with this song (Can’t hold us by Maclemore & Ryan Lewis) as background score.


January 12, 2024

Halfway update

I am excited and a little nervous at the same time with 3 months into the training and 3 months away from running a marathon.

Well, I had a good momentum with the training until the New year with my running mileage gradually building up week after week and I felt at more ease with the runs. My average running pace has slightly become better from 7 mins/km to 6:33/km


I ran a 10K on 25 Nov 23 with a slightly better timing than my first 10k back in 2017.

I even ran when it was snowing heavily and I was in Munich with my colleagues away from home for a week. On top of that, I didn't miss any of my training sessions while I was on vacation near Bodonsee.


But after a long late-night party on New Year's Eve, I pushed on for a run, on New year. Even though I felt more tired than usual I soldiered on to complete the session. The pace was less than usual, and I was way too tired after the run. The next day I was down with fever and since then I am completely off action, as I have not recovered 100%. One day I feel better the next day I am down with a high body temperature.

It is getting better day by day and I hope to get back on track with my trainings.

Moving Challenge

In addition to health issues, I am moving to a new apartment this coming week. So accommodating training session between moving things, setting up the new place and doing paint work is going to add further level of complexity.
On the positive side things are set for my daughters. We have found a new School and a day care for them.

Intent for the next months

I hope and am determined to get over this challenging period, remember not to get bog down, to show up and focus on just the next immediate step.


November 17, 2023

First update

Chapter 1. Initialisation

It has been nearly 2 months since I got to know that I am one of the Ambassadors for Sofico Ghent Marathon 2024. Though I secretly hoped not to get selected so that I can blame being not selected as a reason to not run this year too. But from the moment my name got announced I promised myself not to give any excuses and to run this marathon no matter what (of course within my sphere of control).


Chapter 2. Getting back to Running

After about nearly 4 years, I have started running regularly.

Though I had a bit of experience running between 2017 and 2019, I had no clue about running in different Heart rate zones or varied training runs focused on improving endurance/speed. It was all about keeping the grit and grinding it out. Thanks to the Energy Lab workshop organized by Sofico, I am now familiar with these concepts and have a personalised training plan.


Chapter 3. Actual Training

It has been a good first training month I have promptly followed the plan so far and determined to complete to be fully prepared and give my best on the marathon day. Running seems so basic, yet there is a lot of nitty-gritty in it, and it is a lot of fun learning them to get better.


Chapter 4. Positives so far...

  • Better Sleep
    Though I am a good sleeper i.e. I get my due 8 hours sleep everyday, but since I have started running, I sleep deep and wake up energetic.

  • Energy level
    I feel my energy level and mood in general has gone up a bit😉

  • Running in the rain
    One fear I had managed to break is running in the rain, I hate running in the wet cold rain. But come what may, I must follow the training plan. So yes, indeed I did, I do not enjoy it still 🙁.


Chapter 5. Focus Areas

  • Core and Strength training
    Though I am happy with my running for the first month, I am not training enough to strengthen my body. I better do it, as I am starting to feel some niggles in my body now & then.

  • Moving Houses
    I will be moving to a new house in the coming months. With both my partner and I having full time jobs, a 11-year-old and 3-year-old daughters. Finding a new school, day care, planning our move and doing the paperwork is going to be demanding. But I need to somehow squeeze in my training in between. Brace yourself, Harish!

  • 10 K run on Nov 25
    I am running a 10K the coming Nov 25, wish me luck!!


My motivation for running this marathon:

Running a marathon has been a long-time dream. The very thought of running 42,2 KM scares me. There is something about conquering your fears, it gives me a high.

I am not looking at any specific timings. I want to gently push myself, enjoy this process, have fun and use this opportunity as a catalyst to take my physical and mental strength to the next level without overstraining or injuring myself.