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| Meet the Ambassadors 2024

Dimitri Dhollander

Office location: Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Program: marathon

"Very happy to be one of the 'chosen ones', and extremely motivated to start preparing for the marathon! As we say in (some regions of) Belgium: "We gon buzze geven!", which can freely (but clearly less poetic) be translated as "Come on, let's go!""


| Training updates

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February 18, 2024

A reading tip, running tips and a donation tip

Today, it is 18 February 2024 and time to give you my final update before starting (and hopefully surviving) the Sofico Gent Marathon. Only 5 more weeks of training to go.

First of all, some numbers on running year 2024 (between 01.01.2024 and today):

  • Time run: 34 hours, 16 minutes.
  • Distance run: 334 km, or the equivalent of a nice walk from my home office in Stekene to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, with a detour via the Gent office.
  • Trainings skipped: 0.
  • The countries where I have run: 3 (for more details, see section 2 below) – and actually 4 if I count the short but fast run at a French rest stop where my wife forgot her wallet.
  • Longest training (in km): 25.03 km.

Update on the general running feeling in 2024, and a reading tip

Despite some minor physical discomforts (e.g. blisters, stiff muscles, and a nosebleed), the running feeling gets better and better.

I have come to realize that long distance runs (with distances above 15km’s) are my preference (not only to get to the famous runner’s high, but it is definitely one of many reasons).

But the most important reason is to have a sense of satisfaction while, or mainly, after running. Instead of trying to explain it myself, I’m taking the liberty to quote Haruki Murakami (besides a famous writer, also an experienced marathon runner) – with the most important part in bold:

“Marathon runners will understand what I mean. We don’t really care whether we beat any other particular runner. World-class runners, of course, want to outdo their closest rivals, but for your average, everyday runner, individual rivalry isn’t a major issue. I’m sure there are garden-variety runners whose desire to beat a particular rival spurs them on to train harder. But what happens if their rival, for whatever reason, drops out of the competition? Their motivation for running would disappear or at least diminish, and it’d be hard for them to remain runners for long.

Most ordinary runners are motivated by an individual goal, more than anything: namely, a time they want to beat. As long as he can beat that time, a runner will feel he’s accomplished what he set out to do, and if he can’t, then he’ll feel he hasn’t. Even if he doesn’t break the time he’d hoped for, as long as he has the sense of satisfaction at having done his very best—and, possibly, having made some significant discovery about himself in the process—then that in itself is an accomplishment, a positive feeling he can carry over to the next race.

Having said this, Murakami’s ‘What I talk about when I talk about running’ is a must-read for all runners!

Some tips and tricks for making long runs more enjoyable

Podcasts, Playlists and Pals

To make long running sessions more enjoyable and focus less on heart rate, speed, and breathing (although not unimportant while running), music and podcasts make the time go by faster. However, I did experience that classical music is a better combination with LSD (long slow distance) runs than rock or metal.

But while running … I get the best results by listening and talking to friends, also preparing for the Sofico Gent Marathon experience.

Change of the running environment

While I did my trainings in the same area in the first few months, I started varying routes and running areas more and more since end of December, forced by travels and multi-day trips.

Some of the places where I did running sessions in the last months:

The Swiss mountains


  • Beautiful mountain views
  • Altitude difference


  • Slippery roads
  • Altitude difference
All pro’s and contra’s shown in one picture
The Belgian-Dutch border


  • Close to home
  • Great to spot wildlife


  • Muddy
  • Often very muddy
The “Westhoek” (the below table based on a single experience)


  • /
  • /
  • /


  • Rainy
  • Windy
  • Cold
No picture available due to the cons mentioned left
Last but not least: the donation tip

I have decided to link running the Sofico Gent Marathon to charity (as already mentioned in the previous update). My good cause will be G-Sport Vlaanderen, organizer of sport for people with a disability in Flanders. More information about sponsoring my Sofico Gent Marathon run will follow via other channels.


December 25, 2023

Christmas update

Today is 25 December 2023 - Christmas, but also only 3 more months to prepare for the Sofico Gent Marathon.

First of all, a brief update (in numbers) on the training period:

  • Total kilometers run since 17 October 2023: 247,20 km
  • Total number of training sessions since 17 October 2023: 35
  • Total training time: 1.580 min
  • Longest distance run in one session: 13 km
  • Longest time run in one session: 86 min 14 sec
  • Number of friends who have rediscovered running thanks to/because of me: 3
  • Wildlife, spotted while running:
    • Deer: 6
    • Hares: 50
    • Woodpeckers: 2
    • Owls: 1
    • Jays (‘Vlaamse Gaaien’): 4
    • Other, non-identifiable birds: +/- 500
    • Horses: 14
    • Unleashed dogs: a lot
    • Unleashed, biting dogs: 1
  • Injuries: 0, fortunately.
  • Weight loss: 4,5 kgs.
  • Crashes: 1, while taking a shower post-running.

December 17 - Christmas run Stekene

After exactly 2 months of training, the first 'real' race was scheduled.

The most famous end-of-year race in the world: the Christmas Run in Stekene (…leaving the Corrida Internacional de São Silvestre in Sao Paolo (Brazil) aside...). Not 20,000 participants like in warm Brazil, but 250 runners ran at least as enthusiastically through the winter cold in East Flanders.

Special and fun to run 10 km in hometown Stekene with friends, wearing Santa hats, encouraged by many acquaintances, with or without ‘jenever’ or glühwein.

Result: successful first test, and freshly crossed the line after 10 km.

December 24 - Christmas Eve

Traditionally, we celebrate Christmas Eve with family, and this involves a lot of preparation and optimal filling of the car’s trunk. This year too, but, where the trunk is usually filled for 99,5% with Christmas presents and luggage from the kids, e.g. Bumba, milk bottles and children's toys, this year, a prominent spot was reserved for my running shoes…

Whereas I usually find things like wine or books in my Christmas gift wrapping, this year I get surprised with a lot of running equipment.

It is quite clear where the focus will be in the next coming week and in Q1 2024.


25 December 2023

Time for a final recap on the past training months, and my resolutions for 2024.

Recap: Happy with the progress in becoming DIDO V2.0 - but as already mentioned in the previous blog, Rome wasn't built in one day. The roads have been constructed and the raw materials have been delivered, but the Colosseum and Forum Romanum still need to be created.

Resolutions: Of course, running the Sofico Gent Marathon, and as an additional motivation boost, I decided to link a charity to my running goal. More details will follow in the next blog post!


Finally, I wish you all a happy, healthy and sporty 2024!


See you next month!

November 5, 2023

First month

24 March 2024 - Highlighted in yellow in my diary, as the day I plan to start and finish my first marathon, the Sofico Ghent Marathon.

Today, 5 November 2023, I still have 139 days to prepare mentally and physically, and I have completed the first 9 training sessions since the official start. 

What did that first month of preparation look like?


      12 October - Kick Off Energy Lab Ghent

The official initiation as a Sofico Gent Marathon Ambassador, together with my fellow ambassadors, accompanied by

  • Measurement of height and weight
  • DEXA-scan, resulting in my first full-skeleton picture
  • Foot and shoe analysis
  • Core stability training
  • And of course, the dreaded effort testing

Based on all the test data, a personal plan was drawn up for the first weeks of training, starting on (for me) 17 October.

Image (11)
Where it all begins!
Image (8)
The Highly Confidential Test Report

17 October - the first training session

After years of absence, I returned to the place where I ran endless tours as a student: the (at least in Ghent) world-famous 'Watersportbaan'. Full of nostalgia for earlier years, but also as the official start of 'dido V2.0'.
Also present on this first trip down memory lane: my two new running friends on the right, a result of the Kick Off on 12 October. 

Image (10)
31 October - running is part of everyday life 

The fact that running is now fully part of daily life, is proven by the photos below. Without support (and permission) from wife and children, I would not have embarked on this adventure. 
Image (7)
Image (9)
5 November - recap after 3 weeks of training

The observations after 3 weeks of training: 
  • I still find running as relaxing and enjoyable as before; 
  • My two running friends (cf. point 2 above) are doing particularly well; 
  • Work on 'Dido V2.0' is in full progress - but Rome wasn't built in one day; 
  • It is stimulating to be able to do this together with fellow ambassadors; 
  • Our new motto "Running slow makes you faster!" suits me fine. 
See you next month!